
39 comments on “Blog

  1. kathyleeo1 Post author
    Human Up! Engage Fully in the Play of Life

    There is much happening around the world today as it has been since the beginning of time. How are we to be in a state of peace and harmony and do our best to experience life with joy, wonder, passion and fun? That certainly goes through my mind as I am reminded that many are in turmoil and are suffering. A quote from one of Wayne Dyer’s books has gotten me through times like these. The quote is “We cannot feel bad enough to make someone else feel good.” So when others are suffering around us, somehow staying in a state of love and compassion and offering them that, as opposed to feeding their suffering, is the key.

  2. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Being Self Reliant

    I recently read about someone’s statistical information that 30% of college students do not know how to boil an egg. Whoa! What were you thinking – all those mothers and fathers out there.

    So whether you are male or female and were taught how to cook, clean, do your own laundry, handle money, etc. by your parents/family or not, it is up to you now to take the responsibility upon yourself to get your basic urban human survival skills honed and working for you effectively and efficiently.

    Being self-reliant and self-sufficient means that we have developed and are implementing our own individual process of having our needs taken care of in a healthy, effective way.

    So whatever age you are right now, it is time to reassess, reevaluate and stop the excessive neediness.

    Of course, there are some things that are out of our skill set that is totally reasonable to get help from others to accomplish. Be honest about what that is. Successful orchestration and navigation of life is really rewarding, fulfilling and down right fun when we show up confidently and masterfully in every aspect of our lives.
    So get going.

    Be yourself – everyone else is taken.

  3. kathyleeo1 Post author

    The Breath of Life

    Yes, breathing is our life sustaining elixir. I have stated many times that if there was just one thing I could teach, it would be effective breathing. It is said that our life force comes in through our breath.

    Continue reading our newsletter . . . ” Katherine Friday

  4. kathyleeo1 Post author

    The Secret of Life . . . Is to Know Yourself

    Yes it takes, effort, shifting, changing, stretching, soul-searching and some challenges along the way to cultivate the most important, intimate, honest, positive and loving relationship with ourselves.

  5. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Self Esteem…Our First Responsibility

    What we think of ourselves and how we speak of ourselves is a very telling gauge of how our life is going.

    Do you know someone who puts themselves down in pretty much every sentence they utter? While there are others who exude self-respect and self-confidence. Which one would you rather spend time with? And a better question is: Which one are you?

    Make positive changes in the way you think and speak about yourself and offer a “higher quality” of you that will not only uplift and inspire yourself, but also the family and friends that are part of your world.

    The saying “Be the light you wish to see in the world” really is the way for us all to make a positive difference in our own lives and to uplift all of humanity.

    So shine on.

    And remember everyone else is taken so Be the Best YOU Possible.–Katherine

  6. kathyleeo1 Post author

    The Secret of Life . . . Is to Know Yourself

    Yes it takes, effort, shifting, changing, stretching, soul-searching and some challenges along the way to cultivate the most important, intimate, honest, positive and loving relationship with ourselves.

    To quote a wise one…To know others is wisdom, to know yourself is enlightenment.

    So seek and know yourself – enlighten and shine on.

    And remember everyone else is taken so Be the Best YOU Possible.

  7. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Health and Happiness?

    Accept that you are the creative power in your life, in your world at this point in time!

    I have heard from many of my clients over the years share their beliefs about their physical, mental and emotional health that perpetuates their feelings of powerlessness.

  8. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Life and Home Can Get Messy – Time to CLEAN IT UP!

    How you take care of your home directly correlates to how you are taking care of yourself and your life.

    To quote Dr. Phil: “How is that (life) working for you?”

    So whether you are experiencing “clutter” and stagnation of the body, mind, emotions or material “things”, it is time to take a stand and get rid of it!

    Clutter is a symptom of being held back, being afraid of going forward in life and it requires purging and letting go of what no longer is useful for you. Clutter also stops the flow of positive, beneficial life energy.

  9. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Relationship Magic – Look in the Mirror!

    That is right. Look in the mirror – who and what do you see. What feelings, beliefs, emotions come up for you?

    Take a few minutes to do a self-realization exercise. Write down on a piece of paper your honest, as much as possible, analysis of how you truly feel about yourself.

    We all have emotional baggage to deal with. Getting rid of as much of that emotional baggage as possible allows us to see ourselves more clearly and more positively creating space within us for more of the “good” and less of the other.

    All other relationships in your life are directly connected to how you feel about yourself. I have often used a visual demonstration about this. Showing how allowing ourselves to be bogged down with unnecessary, unsupportive and unhealthy ideas, thoughts and feelings create a unrealistic and dishonest image and very limited presentation of ourselves.

  10. kathyleeo1 Post author

    A Major Kick in the Booty in 2015

    There are certain times that offer us an opportunity to reevaluate our lives.

    The beginning of a new year is one of them. The new year of 2015, which is 15 years after some predicted the end of the world, the end of life as we knew it, etc., is upon us. And, well, many, many, many of us are still here.

  11. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Map of Your Life

    Have you ever thought that having a personal life map would be helpful to navigate life’s hills, valleys, twists, turns and dead ends?

    Actually we do have an internal map – our own internal guidance and navigation system. The thing is to know ourselves well enough to follow the path, that inner guidance, that we know is best for us.

    Sometimes we question our own inner wisdom and allow ourselves to be sidetracked by accepting someone else’s path as our own. STOP! RECALCULATE! The voice of the GPS is NOT your own.

  12. Katherine Friday

    I trust all are preparing and enjoying life during the holidays. Being with family and friends and truly having a good time is such a blessing – so do the best you can to do IT.

    The 2015 schedule for workshops, public classes, special offers and more is in the works so check back here and on the website to a list of tools to support your glorious journey of life.

    Blessings to all, Katherine

  13. Katherine Friday

    During an interview yesterday concerning women’s health, I was asked what question I was asked most by my clients. That was an easy one. The most common life situation that my clients want to improve is their physical health. From that question, another arose about what is the tool, modality, practice that I offer the most often.

    Since my approach to being the best we can be is that at the core of any physical issue, there are emotional blocks creating barriers – self sabotage that keep us in that same familiar rut.

    So the answer to that question is for people to really ponder, seek, go DEEP within themselves and truly define what they want! Many of my clients can express very quickly what they don’t want and that is certainly a place to start. However, getting to the point of knowing and focusing on what we want, then the process, path and the steps necessary become more clear and we make the changes necessary to attain our goals and really live the vision for our lives

    I encourage you to find the tools that work best for you and actually apply and practice them in your lives. Knowledge and wisdom are necessary. However, you must actually put that into practice in your life to get the results you want.


  14. Katherine Friday

    I am asked so often how to make positive changes in our lives. It takes effort, discipline, a true to desire live a better life and, somehow, to accept and know that we are worthy of health and happiness.

    “The best way to facilitate change is through using yoga and meditation. These tools help us to penetrate the psyche to change our habit structure at the core level.” from the teaching of Yogi Bhajan.

    Blessings, Katherine

  15. Katherine Friday

    Question from friend, CT:

    How does one prepare for unexpected world change without investing in that fearful reality? No one wants to consider, that what has been could change rapidly.

    Katherine’s response:

    Your question of how to prepare without investing in the fear is a good one. Keeping that inner calm, strength and inner knowing is the key to being a part of the solution as opposed to supporting the problem. Going forward in life calling upon our inner strength and spiritual support knowing that we will handle whatever situation arises appropriately – even going hungry – or even dropping the body and going home…which is really where we deeply want to go anyway. So we do the best we can to know when enough is enough and somehow be joyful amid the chaos.

  16. kathyleeo1 Post author

    The Only Guarantee in Life is that It is Worth It…
    “There are so many modalities, practices, tools, disciplines, etc. that are available to us to support, assist and guide us in the orchestration and navigation on our path, our journey, of life.

    What you are here to learn and how and what experiences, situations, life lessons are up to you. There is no guarantee that whatever support you receive will result in a certain limited outcome.”–Katherine Friday

  17. Katherine Friday

    It is so important to our overall wellbeing to keep our bodies, minds and emotions moving and flowing. You can start today where you are right now and make your life a lot more peaceful and comfortable physically, mentally, emotional and spiritually by really focusing on what you want and a strategy to get it.

  18. Katherine Friday

    Be a Social Butterfly

    We so often have situations and events happen in our lives that put us in a position of retreating within our perceived safety zone away from family and friends.

    While an appropriate amount of time enjoying our own company is absolutely necessary for our mental and emotional health, it is almost equally important to seek out and spend time with others in a purely social environment.

    There are certainly times to reach out and share with others when you are having mental and emotional “lessons and growing pains” happening.

    It is equally important to engage others in ways to simply have fun, laugh and play.

    If you are tired of others telling you what you “should” do, then stop sharing everything with them when you have emotional upsets and allow yourself more of an opportunity to council from that wise place within you. Others can only remind us what we already know anyway…bless them!

    So making a conscious effort to stay socially engaged every week and intellectually stimulated goes a long way to living a healthy, happy, successful, fulfilled life.

    It is up to you. So get out to the bingo hall, accept that invitation to dinner (and extend the invitation also), play card and board games with children and adults, look for workshops, seminars, etc. that offer topics you find interesting and SHOW UP.

    Personal Note: I speak of my grandson often. He is 9 years old and is very active. There is a new trampoline place that has opened and he really enjoys going there. He asked if I would take him sometime. When I do, I fully intend to pay the fee and be able to jump, play, laugh and enjoy right along with him.

    I encourage you to find the tools that work best for you and actually apply and practice them in your lives. Knowledge and wisdom are necessary. However, you must actually put that into practice in your life to get the results you want.


    And remember everyone else is taken…
    So Be the Best YOU Possible.


  19. kathyleeo1 Post author

    What’s Up and What’s New…

    Some very exciting things are happening now and coming up in the near future with Katherine and at Starlight Ridge.

    Join us for the following workshops, Super Self Sundays and the Body, Mind & Soul Expo and more.

    Continue reading our newsletter . . . ” Katherine Friday

  20. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Emotional Constipation….WHAT!

    Are you allowing emotional toxins to clog up your natural effective and efficient healing ability? I write often about moving your old stuck negative “energy” out to make room for new, fresh healthy “energy.”

  21. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Spring – Time to Blossom!

    After the cold and hibernation of the winter, now is the time to renew ourselves. Knowing what we want to bring forth and blossom in our lives is a key ingredient in just how fun and joyful life can be.

    Fact is, if you want to live a more healthy, happy, fun life, then changes MUST happen. And you have to be the catalyst and power behind your efforts to make those changes.

  22. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Do You Respect Yourself?

    Here are some things that can be a sign of self-disrespect…

    Feeling guilty over anything.
    Blaming others for your life experiences.
    Depending on chemical stimuli to function.
    Depending on excessive electronic stimuli to function.
    Feelings of unworthiness or being less than.
    Feelings of being superior or better than.


    And remember everyone else is taken…
    So Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be the Best You Possible.

  23. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Time to Reflect . . .

    This time of year we are supported and encouraged to slow down, go within and reflect. It is a time of re-evaluating, planning and setting our course for a more fulfilling present and future.

    Yes, looking back on where we have been and what we have experienced and learned is imperative as long as we do it, let it go and move on. Now is the time to take stock of where you are now and where you want to go.

    Some set goals and call them New Year’s resolutions. Whatever you call it, get a workable, doable life plan that will get you the results you want.

    What do you want? So often I have asked my clients that question and received a puzzled, unclear response. If you do not know what you want, how do you expect to get it?

    Make a list and check it not only twice but every day to monitor your forward progress in attaining and manifesting your goals…whatever they are.

    I encourage you to find the tools that work best for you and actually apply and practice them in your lives. Knowledge and wisdom are necessary. However you must actually put that into practice in your life to get the results you want.


    And remember everyone else is taken…SO Be the Best YOU Possible.

  24. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Set Intentions…Then Take Action

    This is the time of year that so many of us are reevaluating how our lives are working and flowing and what other way of living would support our health, happiness and well-being.

    Taking stock and choosing to make positive changes in our lives is not only a good idea, but a necessity. The thing is you can only ponder, envision, intend, plan to a certain point, then taking action is necessary to get results.

    Most of you know that I am a huge believer in taking preventative measure to achieve and maintain a healthy, vibrant, pain-free, stress-free, joyful body, mind, spirit.

    Any existence other than that is a waste of energy, time, presence and gets in the way of joy and fun. So when setting those intentions for the coming year, the coming new age and for the rest of your life, take stock, evaluate how you really want to live and experience your life and take action steps to get the results you want.

    There are many tools, practices, suggestions, people. etc. that assist us as we travel our road of life. Find the ones that work best for you. You may need to give several a go before finding the ones that are the most beneficial and productive for you.


    And remember everyone else is taken…
    So Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be the Best You Possible.

  25. kathyleeo1 Post author

    “Enjoying the Holidays – Yes, It Is Possible!

    Some look forward to this time of year and some do not. Are you one of those bahhumbugers? If so, read on to get some relief from your own crankiness.” Katherine Friday

  26. kathyleeo1 Post author

    “Are you being heard?

    Effective communication has become a passion for me lately.

    I have for many years been studying and teaching the importance of being careful with the words I speak…to myself and to others.” Katherine Friday

  27. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Ladies Yoga Weekend Retreat

    Here are a few of the comments about the ladies yoga weekend retreat this past weekend. Join us for the next one October 12, 13 and 14, 2012.

    “I felt nurtured, safe and peaceful from the moment I arrived and throughout the entire retreat…the pace, yoga agenda and leadership was just right.” GS

    “What a wonderful weekend! The food and accommodations and hospitality were exceptional. Loved the women’s empowerment, Kundalini and Edgar Cayse exercise series. The environment created here was phenomenal.” KO

    “I have enjoyed every part of this weekend. Every part of it was wonderful and nurturing. The flow as great. The food was excellent, lodging very comforting, inviting, open.” JC

    “Thank you for an amazing weekend. The location, the food and the yoga was much more than I could have ever imagined. I surely loved the food! The menu was superb. I am very pleased with the yoga lessons and liked the way your instructions helped the novice like me.” CC.

    “Everything I thought it would be and more. Food was outstanding, comfort of facilities can’t be beat. Loved the way you adjusted the schedule. Great choice of yoga poses and Kundalini work.” JM

    “This weekend has been such a treat. I have learned so much and have a lot to process. Your hospitality, food and facility was amazing. It truly is a peaceful place. I will be watching your calendar for the next event I can attend.” JE

  28. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Cabo Trip…

    Our trip to beautiful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico was glorious. The flight there was quick and easy. Transportation to the luxurious Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Report and Spa was fun and we were all excited to meet and get to know fellow travelers. Morning yoga, delicious food, walks on the beach, sightseeing in town, swimming with the dolphins, glass bottom boat rides and shopping are some of the highlights of the wonderful experience. Getting to know the polite and friendly staff at our resort, lounging by many of the pools and getting to know new friends added a special dimension to the whole trip. The flight home was again easy. Could have stayed another week…or two. Join us next year as we again offer the exciting and relaxing Cabo experience.

  29. kathyleeo1 Post author

    “I create as I speak.” I have really been aware lately of listening to how people speak and what they say.”–Katherine Friday

  30. kathyleeo1 Post author

    “We are all in a constant state of transformation which equates to change, change, change. You might as well get use to the process because through change is how we fine tune our lives to live more joyfully, more peacefully, more organized, more prosperously…you get my meaning.” –Katherine Friday

  31. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Step Up and Heal Thyself: A Wellness Symposium Featuring Alternative Healing Modalities

    Friday, May 11 and Saturday, May 12, 2012 Cost is $25 at the door.
    The Outdoor Living Center, 10 Outdoor Court, Russellville, AR
    Join me for this workshop-based event hosting several educators and practitioners of alternative healing modalities who will guide participants in an inner transformative process.

    To register and for more information contact Norah Dykema at 479-970-4811 and

  32. Katherine Friday

    News Flash: Everyone’s mission, purpose, presence is vitally essential to create balance and harmony in the world. Equally important is that you each take responsibility to live up to your full potential. Whatever your purpose, you are here to be a part of the solution, so to speak. Do what is necessary for you to be an effective, productive part of the whole.

    And remember, everyone else is taken so – Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be You!

  33. Katherine Friday

    Check out the article interviewing Katherine Friday about the benefits of yoga specifically for chidlren in the January issue of Little Rock Family magazine.

  34. Katherine Friday

    Katherine is offering two powerful workshops this weekend. Saturday, January 14 from 1 – 4 p.m. Come to Starlight Ridge Retreat Center and Become the Leading Lady or Man in Your Own Life. On Sunday learn about and experience several scools of yoga during the Introduction to Yoga Workshop at Integrated Yoga for Health and Wellbeing, 212 N. McKinley, Little Rock. Find out more at

  35. kathyleeo1 Post author

    “This has come into my awareness on several occasions lately. I encourage you to ponder for a moment if you are taking “the” leading role in your own life. Having a clear, honest concept of who you are, what you want in life and how you want to experience it is necessary to actively create a harmonious, peaceful, fulfilling existence.” –Katherine Friday

  36. I agree after reading the great post above. Here is my opinion – By letting your aspirations and distinct goals flow from your natural everyday life purposes and values you will be grounding this pure alignment and applying it in harmonious factor. Like flowing water you may have the potential to create as soon as necessary, watch the indications of life and adapt accordingly. You understand that you just can’t exercise willful management over all circumstances, and your aim is not to conquer and defeat your environment. You don’t act like a self-centred opportunist who watches likelihood for gaining particular advantage at the expense of other people. You don’t manipulate your strategy to the front without the need of pondering the bigger visualization. Your steps and intentions are genuine through the pure virtues of your principles and the specific traits from the values.

  37. Katherine Friday

    November is the month of GRATITIDE. Listing regularly what we are grateful will bring more blessings into our lives. “Like attracks like.” Blessings of the season.

  38. Katherine Friday

    I have had the opportunity to assist clients during their private retreats during the past few weeks. Whether you take the time to go to a retreat center or choose to “unplug the phone, ipod, TV, etc. and retreat at home, taking time for ourselves is crutial to our sanity, heatlh and overall wellbeing.

  39. kathyleeo1 Post author

    Life in Balance Workshops, Introduction to Yoga Workshop, Natural Beauty Workshop and Children’s Summer Classes are coming up om the next few months. Make time in your busy schedule to attend. See details at

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